Switch legend of zelda breath of the wild shrine locations
Switch legend of zelda breath of the wild shrine locations

switch legend of zelda breath of the wild shrine locations switch legend of zelda breath of the wild shrine locations switch legend of zelda breath of the wild shrine locations

Another optional fight, but one that’s also easier than you might think.

  • First Gatehouse and the Blue-Maned Lynel.
  • Take a stroll around the outskirts of Hyrule Castle for treasure, more treasure and a shortcut back to the Library. An optional fight, but one that’s easier than you might think.
  • Second Gatehouse and the White-Maned Lynel.
  • If you haven’t gotten it already, it’s also a short climb to a Captured Memory location in Princess Zelda’s Study. In Princess Zelda’s Room, you’ll find treasure and a Korok seed. In the Library, you’ll find a hidden corridor with treasure and a weapon, as well as the King’s Study and a couple of books to help you complete Breath of the Wild’s "A Royal Recipe" side quest. And it’s the easiest way to get into Hyrule Castle without fighting tough enemies because the shrine gives you a fast travel point. From the north shore, you’ll travel through the Docks to find Saas Ko'sah shrine.

    switch legend of zelda breath of the wild shrine locations

    North shore to Docks and Saas Ko'sah shrine.We’ve created maps to help you get your bearings. Some general tips about how to behave within the castle. These are the things you should do before you begin your journey. Preparing for Hyrule Castle and Calamity Ganon Here’s an overview of our guide, so that you know what to expect. As a bonus, it also allows you to enter and exit Hyrule Castle easily. Our walkthrough takes you on a path that offers the least resistance and backtracking. There are several ways to approach Hyrule Castle. In this guide, we’ll teach you how to prepare for Hyrule Castle, how to get through it - and how to defeat Calamity Ganon. None of them are required, but they’ll make your journey much easier, have an effect on the final boss battle, make defeating enemies quick and give you the best ending. There are many things you should do before facing Calamity Ganon. Though you could head directly there as soon as you leave the Great Plateau, it’s not exactly practical. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s final boss, Calamity Ganon, is tough, but so is getting through Hyrule Castle.

    Switch legend of zelda breath of the wild shrine locations