Change the Layer Blending Mode from „Normal“ to „Soft light“.To get this kind of blurry effect I followed these steps: You have to play around with these options a bit, but I can highly recommend this approach as it is very flexible and is one of my key tasks to optimize the overall image atmosphere. a “Warming Filter” as the basic image was bit too “cold” from my point of view. Therefore I add a new fill layer by clicking the button in the bottom of the layer panel. Afterwards I worked on the color temperature of the image. First I modified the brightness and contrast by using the curves tool (STRG+M).

So what I did next is doing some general image corrections. The arrows show the distribution of cold and warm areas. As the sunlight determines the atmosphere of our interior architecture scenery the warm light comes from the window – the cold areas are more in the left part of the image. First it is important to analyze the image and define the “cold” and “warm” areas. I use this rendering of a bathroom for this tutorial: From my experience the best approach is to start with some proper settings for lightning the interior scenery but the experiment in Photoshop to polish the rendering finally. Often times it is faster to change and optimize some lightning effects in Photoshop and not in the rendering tool (like 3DS MAX, Cinema 4D or Rhino.) itself as the rendering process can take quite a bit of time. In this tutorial I want to touch on a typical task that needs to be mastered when it comes to post processing of an architectural interior scenery with Photoshop.