So how do you "be" a Generator? Many Generators feel "stuck" in jobs, relationships, or lives they hate, simply because they've been deeply conditioned. If you are a Generator, do you want to understand where your true power lies? Then it's time you understood the mechanical functioning of your sacral-being auric truth the depth of your openness to life allows you to hone in on what is correct for you to respond to. Generators are designed to take in life in an extraordinary way. The Generator has an open, welcoming aura.

Frustration is the not-self theme of a generator - who through the not-self conditioning tries to manifest in this world without waiting and ends up quitting from sheer frustration. Incorrect energy usage (for example, trying to manifest what the mind thinks it wants without waiting for the sacral to respond) results in the dysfunction of that sacral center, experienced as frustration. The dilemma of the not-self Generator is that they do not use their generative capacity correctly. Not to be chasing after things, but to wait to respond to life as it comes to them, to honor what the sacral responds to. The glory and power of the Generator is in their ability to respond to life. To quote Ra, "It is all in the hands of the Generator."

Our lives depend on the reproductive, fertile power of sacral beings. As the great builders, with the capacity to sustain work, they find fulfillment in activities they enjoy which bring them satisfaction. It is the Generator that creates and maintains the civilization we see around us. The sacral center is the center of life - the core of our reproductive capacity, generating our energy for life and work. Through decision making from the sacral in response, the perfection of the Generator is realized. The Generator is the form that is here to respond to life. The nature of the Generator is that they are sacral beings. As the dominant Type, they stand alone as the only kind of people whose power comes from their ability to make decisions from a center that responds through sounds. Over 70% of the humans on our planet are Generators. We truly live in a generated, Generator world. Unless raised from birth correctly (as yourself), definitely not. There is a very simple art to being a Generator.